- Introduce a new premium cigar brand to the public at large
- Provide compelling content to position Montague Cigars as The
Consistently Perfect Cigar.
- Provide users with a way to locate Montague Cigar tobacconist
locations and contact information
- Promote the development of an online community of Montague users
- Capture contact information for people interested in Montague
- Developed a graphically-rich user interface and content-packed
web site to introduce the Montague brand
- Created online community section, which includes a cigar trivia
game, tips and tricks for smoking cigars and a cigar terms glossary
- Provided a pop-up tour to quickly acquaint users to both the
Montague brand as well as the web site
- Provided database-driven tobacconist search function which links
into MapQuest to provide door-to-door driving directions
- Included detailed specifications for the entire Montague Cigar
line, recent magazine reviews and online access to the Crest newsletter
- Exceeding expectations: Over 10,000 unique visitors within the
first months launch
- Contacts database adding an average of over 200 qualified users
a week